I invite you on a journey of self-exploration so you can create an amazing life – regardless of the number of candles on your birthday cake!


Have you gone through a major life change?

  • a separation or a divorce?
  • the death of a partner or a parent?
  • a mid-life upheaval?
  • how about a global pandemic?
  • do you long for connection with other women who understand and relate to your challenges and dreams?


My name is Lynn and I am a “quality of life” coach.

Imagine being in your 60’s and feeling vibrant and that your life has meaning!

Finally, the kids are launched and it’s time for you to focus on YOU

  Who are you?  What do you want from the rest of your life?

How can you make the most of the coming years?

I offer products and services that will help you to discover who you are and what you want!  It’s never too late to learn about yourself!

When you think of succulence, what comes to mind?  To me, it’s the juiciness of being fully alive, not dried up and withered!  How would you rather live?  Join me on the journey to reclaim your vitality!

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